Roy Ahlgren (American (Pennsylvania), 1927-2011). A collection of three framed limited edition serigraphs on paper by the late American optic artist Roy Ahlgren (American (Pennsylvania), 1927-2011), comprising "Untitled ("X" in Parallelograms)"-1972, serigraph in colors on paper, graphite signed to lower left "Roy Ahlgren", edition and date noted in graphite to lower right "A.P. 1972", optic art print depicting a central "x" formed by radiating parallelograms in shades of blue; "The Universe"-1970, serigraph in colors on paper, graphite titled to lower left "The Universe", graphite dated to lower center "1970", graphite signed to lower right "Roy Ahlgren", optic art print depicting radiating concentric circles composed of alternating triangles: and "Infinity"-1970, serigraph in colors on paper, graphite titled and dated to lower center, graphite signed to lower right "Roy Ahlgren", optic art print depicting three dimensional space using receding squares and rectangles. Each framed approximately 15.25" x 15.25". Each sight approximately 10.75" x 10.75".

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery