W. Bell Piano Company (Canada, 1864-1928), late 19th century. A rare maple baby grand piano having a straight hinged side and concave curving side raising to expose soundboard, having a folding music stand and fold down hinged lid. Raised on octagonal turned legs (later) terminating on casters with lyre shaped twin pedal support. Interior on sideboard stamped "PATENT". Interior of lid on board stamped '"WM BELL113". The hinged fall board with a glue mounted plaque for "JOHN BROADWOOD & SONS/LONDON/ BY APPOINTMENT TO H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH II" (later). Approximate height 36.5", width 64.5", depth 51".. Note: The Bell Piano & Organ Company was established in Guelph, Ontario, Canada by Robert and William Bell in 1864. By about 1895, the firm was operating under the name of W. Bell & Company. Bell was known for building very good quality pianos and organs, and they enjoyed a very good reputation in the industry.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery