Italian, 20th century. A tall pair of Italian turned wood and crystal candelabras, each topped with cut spire finial surmounted to beaded shaft, shaft with two metal leaf tip bands, surmounted with top tier of eight beaded and curved branches supporting faceted pear shaped drop crystals, additionally surmounted with second tier of eight beaded and curved branches supporting tapered and shaped drop crystals, further surmounted with third tier of five beaded and curved branches terminating in fluerettes and supporting faceted pear shaped drop crystals, shaft finally surmounted with five beaded and scrolled lit branches terminating in wax guards and candle spikes, each lit branch supporting faceted pear shaped and shaped drop crystals, lit branches further draped in crystal swags, base with metal leaf tip element supporting six panel-cut spear crystals, turned wood base of inverted double gourd form with gadrooning and gilt to one side, with plinth base, apparently unmarked. Approximate height 35.5".

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery