Collection of four French books comprising of two volumes from "Histoire Philosophique et Politique Des établissemens et du Commerce des Européens dans les Deux Indes", Tome Deuxieme and Tome Cinquieme ("Philosophical History and Politics: The Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies", Volume 2 and Volume 5) by Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, published in Geneva by Chez Jean-Leonard Pellet, Imprimeur de la Ville & de l'Académie, in 1781; and two volumes from "Oeuvres de P. Corneille, Avec le Commentaire de Voltaire sur les Pieces da Théatre, et des Observations Critiques sur ce Commentaire, par le Citoyen Palissot", Tome Premiere and Tome Sixieme (Works by P. Cornelius, With Commentary on Voltaire Theater Pieces, Reviews and Observations on the Commentary by the Citizen Palissot, Volume 1 and Volume Six) by Pierre Corneille (French, 1606-1684), published in Paris by P. Didot L'Ainé in 1801.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery