LeRoy, Servais. Servais LeRoy Typed Letter Signed. Dated Feb. 16, 1932, and filled with important content, the inventive Belgian illusionist writes to John [Dittmar?] regarding a car accident that forced him in to an early retirement, goes on to describe various illusions he invented, including the Hindu Rope Trick (“not too easy”), Dress Box (his own Costume Trunk illusion, “easy and light and good”), the Asrah levitation (“simple”), and offers to build a levitation like Thurston’s, but “Far ahead of Maskelynes in weight, ease of fitting (a few minutes only) and actually obtains effects that are impossible in Thurston’s levitation. FULL STAGE. NO SPECIAL PREPARATIONS.” With several holographic corrections in LeRoy’s hand. One printed 8vo sheet of LeRoy’s “New York to Bagdad” letterhead, typed on two sides and signed “Servais LeRoy.” Minor chips and old folds.

Potter & Potter