Minch, Stephen. Group of 20 Magic Technique Books and Lecture Notes. Including “Secrets of a Puerto Rican Gambler” (second and third printings, 1980/82); “For Your Entertainment Pleasure” (1982); “Three Faces of Steve” (1987); “Robin Hood Caper” (1982); “Mind Melds” (1984; inscribed and signed); “Mind Novas” (1987); “Gary Plants on the Zarrow Shuffle” (2004); “Professional Card Technique of Martin A. Nash” Pts. 1 – 2 (1975/77); “Colors on the March” (1970s); “The Book of Thoth” (1974); “Mind & Matter” (1975); “Eyeless in Gaza” (1984); “Eddie Fields’ Secret Diary” (1992); “Larry Jennings’ Neoclassics” (1987); and others. Illustrated 8vos and 4tos. Condition generally near fine.

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