measuring approximately 16. 10 x 11.40 x 5.50 mm. Ruby Characteristics It is the opion of the gemologist (Eblen) that the ruby has internal characteristics (unaltered silk in needle and platelette form, unaltered euhedral colorless crystals) which are consistent with those observed in natural ruby, the inclusions cannot definiteively rule out standard heat treatment and so this treatment should be assumed for the stone, no evidence of glass filling was observed, and the most likely location of geographic origin would be Thailand based on observation (available inclusions and muted fluorescent response.) Color Incandescent: Very Slightly Purplish Red Daylight: Slightly Purplish Red Clarity: Transparent with scattered eye visible inclusions Overall Condition: At 10X magnification, the stone exhibits a few surface cavities and minor surface reaching fractures but, otherwise, it appears to be intact.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers