Three Argentinian Mauser Bolt-action Rifles, early 20th century, a Model 1891 carbine, serial number A8238, walnut stock, top of receiver with crest, right side of receiver marked "MAUSER MODELO ARGENTINO 1891,/MANUFACTURA LOEWE BERLIN," stock refinished, overall lg. 36 3/4; a Model 1891 rifle, serial number M5916, walnut stock, crest on top of receiver has been ground away, right side of receiver marked "MAUSER MODELO ARGENTINO 1891,/MANUFACTURA LOEWE BERLIN," overall lg. 48 5/8; and a Model 1909 carbine, serial number B3220, walnut stock, top of receiver with crest, right side of receiver marked "MAUSER MODELO/ARGENTINO 1909." and "DEUTSCHE WAFFEN-UND/MUNITIONSFABRIKEN, BERLIN," wood patch behind trigger guard, overall lg. 42 1/4 in. Note: FFL. Please see the conditions of sale listed in the terms and conditions.
