Musical French Weight-powered Skeleton Clock, Moinau et Degrege, No. 6, c. 1835, the silvered roman numeral dial with moon hands and polished skeletonized frame supporting the thirty-hour movement with recoil escapement, passing strike on a bell, and musical let-off for multi-tune hourly musical box within the base, regulated by a pendulum with beat-setting device on the crutch all powered by three brass-cased weights suspended by chains running on pulleys over a brass cross-piece flanking a crouched eagle clutching a silvered ball, a silvered thermometer and scale labeled Fahrenheit is flanked by two brass columns all mounted to a velvet-covered base and marquetry pedestal with glass dome, ht. to the top of the dome 24 1/2 in. Note: "Moinau et Degrege" is stamped into the rear of the back plate of the movement, which has also been found on an example probably marketed to Americans by Simon Willard, Jr., Boston, sold at Skinner, Sale 2857M, October 31, 2015, Lot 294. These weight-powered skeleton clocks are relatively rare; another is illustrated in Derek Roberts, Continental and American Skeleton Clocks , p. 97.
