Philadelphia Theodolite by William J. Young, mid-19th century, brass instrument with an 8 1/4-in. scope, rack focusing, and spirit level, inlaid vertical slivered scale on one side of the U-shaped frame and an engraved protractor scale with vernier on the other side, center compass with cardinal points in block letters, horizontal silver scale and vernier with fine adjustment screw, top of platform plate marked William J. Young Maker Philada. , underneath reads Capt. E. Power, Mt. Washington, Ballo Co. from Dr. W.H. Kenner, 1868 , ht. with turned pedestal 14 in. Note: Reportedly, in 1863 Dr. Keener presented this theodolite to Capt. E. Power who was his superintendent during the working of the copper mine at Bare Hill near Baltimore City, Maryland, Mt. Washington was a suburb of the area.
