Medals and Objects Associated with Lieutenant Commander Thomas Stowell Phelps, U. S. Navy, 19th century, a gold-plated fouled anchor device worn by Phelps in the 1840s; a GAR medal; a United States Service medal for the Civil War numbered 362 with blue and gray ribbon; a Peruvian Andres a Caceres 1886 medal with red and white ribbon; a Unites State Service medal for the Spanish Campaign numbered 2051 with yellow and red ribbon; a Spanish American War service medal awarded by the people of California engraved "LIEUT COMDR/T.S. PHELPS/U.S.S. RALEIGH" numbered 7499; a United States Service medal for Mexico numbered 3479 with yellow, blue, and green ribbon; a Mexican Border Service medal presented by the State of New York with blue, green, red, and yellow ribbon; Peru gold medal for Callao 1866 with red and pink ribbon; gold Loyal Legion medal numbered 3672 with red, white, and blue ribbon; gold Sons of the Revolution medal numbered 829 with blue and yellow ribbon, an 18kt gold monogram fob with black ribbon; a piece of graph shot with old note reading: "Fired from Ft. Fisher/at Storming Party/January 15, 1865"; a tall cylindrical copper powder measure with two handles marked "15 LBS"; a short wide copper powder measure marked "15 LBS/ORD/1864"; and a brass coal scuttle with "TSP" monogram, ht. to 16 in. Note: The copper powder measures were reportedly used on the U.S.S. Raleigh .
