American-made Copy of a British Bayonet, c. last quarter 18th century, iron blade and socket, no markings on the base of the blade, long socket with a thin socket ring, overall lg. 19 3/4 in. Note: The bayonet belonged to Benjamin Mayo who was born December 11, 1750, in Roxbury, Massachusetts. He served as a sergeant in Captain Peter Proctor's Company of Lieutenant Colonel Williams's Militia Regiment in 1777 marching 120 miles for the relief of the Northern Army after the evacuation of Fort Ticonderoga. He served from July 10 to August 12. After the Revolution Mayo eventually moved to Orange, Massachusetts where he died May 2, 1797. Benjamin May also had a son, Benjamin (1774-1824). The bayonet, was found in a house owned by Benjamin Mayo in North Orange, Massachusetts.
