Bible, Post-Incunabula, Biblia cum pleno apparatu summariorum concordantiarum et quadruplicis repertorii sive in dicii numeriq[ue] folioru[m] distinctione tersissime ac verissimie impressa. [Lyons:] Jacques Sacon, 1506. First printed Latin Bible issued by Sacon, folio, gothic type, printed in two columns throughout, woodcut and guide letters, title page printed in red; possible attempt at pirated imprint as Sacon used the Junta fleur-de-lis device on the title, the phrase "characteribus Venetis" in the colophon imprint, and omitted the city of Lyons entirely; title and following leaf mounted, approximately sixteen leaves with marginal paper repairs, lacking signature dd (twelve leaves) at the end; bound in later undecorated full sheep, somewhat dry and worn; early ownership inscription on title, mostly washed out; a clearer manuscript not on A2; 12 x 8 1/4 in. Darlow & Moule 6091.
