Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) Assassination; Issues of the New York Daily Tribune , January 1865-April 1866. A year and four month's worth of newspapers from 1865 and 1866, including the issue published on 15 April 1865, just as word of Lincoln's assassination reached New York, bound in half leather, marbled boards, not exhaustively checked for the presence of each issue, some issues with sections clipped out, 20 3/4 x 15 1/2 in. "In the sudden shock of a calamity so appalling we can do little else than give such details of the murder of the President as have reached us. Sudden death is always overwhelming; assassination of the humblest of men is always frightfully startling; when the head of thirty millions of people is hurried into eternity by the hand of a murderer-- that head a man so good, so wise, so noble as Abraham Lincoln, the Chief Magistrate of a nation in the condition of ours at this moment, the sorrow and the shock are too great for many words." ( New York Daily Tribune , Saturday, April 15, 1865).
