Ross, John (1777-1856) A Voyage of Discovery made under the Orders of the Admiralty, in His Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander. London: John Murray, 1819. First edition, large quarto, illustrated with thirty-two engraved plates, charts, and maps (thirteen folding, fifteen hand-colored), with the errata slip; bound in contemporary full brown calf, rebacked and recornered, occasional foxing and smudges, 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 in. "A famous, even notorious voyage, led by Captain John Ross. Ross attempted to proceed westward through Lancaster Sound, but being deceived, presumably by a mirage, he described the passage as barred by a range of mountains, which he named the Croker Mountains, despite the disbelief of his colleagues. On returning to England in November the report was, at first, accepted as conclusive, and Ross was promoted to post rank in December 1818. In the following year he published this volume. A controversy soon arose which called Ross's courage into question and opened a life-long quarrel between him and Sir John Barrow." (Hill) Provenance: The Estate of David Spinney.
