Webber, John (1751-1793) Views in the South Seas, from Drawings by the late James Webber, Draftsman on Board the Resolution, Captain James Cooke. London: Boydell & Co., 1808 [but 1820]. Folio, illustrated with sixteen hand-colored aquatint plates; the plates printed on paper watermarked 1819-1820; bound in modern half red morocco, with the original marbled boards and the original printed paper label on the front board, very good, 21 x 16 1/4 in. Webber's work is the only color plate book on the subject of Pacific exploration, and the only hand-colored illustrated work related to Cook's third voyage. Webber was on board with Cook for two voyages, and created most of the engravings for the third voyage's atlas volume. Subjects treated in this work include Tahiti, Kamchatka, Macao, New Zealand, Tonga, and tropical vegetation. They appear in the following order: 1. View in Queen Charlotte's Sound, New Zealand 2. Boats of the Friendly Islands 3. A Sailing Canoe of Otaheite 4. A View of the Island of Cracatoa 5. A View of Oheitepeha, in the Island of Otaheite 6. Waheiadooa, Chief of Oheitepeha, lying in State 7. View of the Harbour of Taloo, in the Island of Eimeo 8. A Toopapaoo of a Chief with a Priest making his offering to the Morai, in Huahine 9. The Resolution beating through the Ice, with the Discovery in the most eminent danger in the distance 10. The Narta or Sledg for burdens in Kamtchatka 11. Balagans or Summer Habitation, with the method of drying fish at St. Peter a Read more…
