Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882) Autograph Note Initialed, Nahant, 30 August 1860. Single sheet of watermarked paper, inscribed on one page. To William Davis Ticknor (1810-1864), asking for his autograph. Old folds, generally clean, 7 x 4 1/4 in. "My Dear Ticknor, 'As I am making a collection of autographs of distinguished men,' &c. &c. ... not complete without yours . I remain &c. &c. H.W.L." Ticknor, along with his partner, James Thomas Fields (1817-1881), ran one of the most successful publishing firms in Boston in the mid-19th century, printing the works of literary luminaries Longfellow, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Emerson, and many others. The two operated their business out of Boston landmark, the Old Corner Book Store, for more than thirty years.
