Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) Check for £750, Salary as President of Pennsylvania, 25 April 1788. Single leaf inscribed on both sides. The pay order issued in council for Franklin's salary ordering David Rittenhouse (1731-1796) to pay as Treasurer of the state, signed on recto by John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg (1746-1807) as Vice-President of Pennsylvania, with notes on the verso dated 8 June 1790, after Franklin's death. The sheet chipped, canceled with cross-shaped perforations, fragmentary along the folds, in pieces, 8 1/4 x 6 1/2 in. On 25 April 1788, the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania wrote three checks to Franklin for £750 each, being eighteen month's salary due to him as President of the State. It seems this particular check was not drawn upon until after Franklin's death, based on notations on the verso.