Hamilton, Alexander (1755-1804) Letter Signed, Treasury Department, Philadelphia, 19 August 1793. Single folio leaf, laid paper, inscribed on one side, docketed on verso. To Jeremiah Olney (1749-1812), 10 x 8 in. "Sir, I have to reply to your letter of the 26th ultimo. I take it for granted the parties alluded to will not on reflection do what is expected; because it is not certain that they will find the judicial construction as favourable as that of the Treasury, with which it is a rule, in a doubtful case, to lean in favour of the Merchants and because also, they might be sensible that the most convenient rule is to exclude retrospection, whether for or against the Government. If suits shall be brought, you will make it known to the Attorney of the District, in order that measures be taken to a proper defence; giving me notice of it at the same time. with consideration I am Sir Your obedt Servt A Hamilton" Jeremiah Olney fought in the Revolutionary War at Red Bank, the battle of Monmouth, and Yorktown. After the war, he helped to organize the Society of the Cincinnati and was a supporter of the Federalist party. Hamilton writes to him in his long-held tenure as Collector of Customs for the Port of Providence. "[Olney's] insistence on the strict application of duty schedules and port fees irritated the shipping community, and there were unsuccessful attempts in both 1793 and 1802 to have him removed from office. His resignation in 1809 was precipitated by the Embargo Ac Read more…
