Hamilton, Alexander (1757-1804) Letter Signed, 5 November 1792. Laid paper bifolium with conjugate intact, inscribed over one page. To Thomas Willing (1731-1821) President of the First Bank of the United States, and the bank's directors, written as Treasury Secretary; asking that the bank pay William Young and George Dannacker the sum of $2,000 "for supplying the troops with clothing for the ensuing year." The sheet evenly toned, old folds, docketed on verso, two small pieces of tape on verso, minor marginal separation at one fold, 9 3/4 x 7 3/4 in. "Gentlemen, I have to request that you will advance to Mssrs. Wm Young & George Dannaker the sum of Two thousand dollars, on account of this contract with the public, for supplying the troops with clothing for the ensuing year. For this advance the Contractors are to be charged in a temporary account, until arrangements shall be made, to have pay[men]t covered by a warrant. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your Obed. Serv, A Hamilton" Dannaker [sometimes Dannacker] and Young had a number of contracts to outfit the American army. Documents exist showing Hamilton's hands-on and critical approach with these contractors. He had a policy for inspecting their wares for quality and at one point brought suit against them for supplying poor quality hats and shoes.
