Washington, George (1732-1799) Letter Signed, Newburgh, New York, 30 July 1782. Laid paper folio-format bifolium, inscribed over four pages, to Governor George Clinton (1739-1812), regretting "want of money to afford a sufficient detachment," mentioning "the repeated depredations that have been committed on your Western frontiers," and urging Clinton to keep him abreast of "the force of Willet's corps now assembled on the Mohawk, also the strength of the enemy at Oswego." Old folds, very slight toning, minor water discoloration in one corner, some ink show through, very good, professionally strengthened, 11 3/4 x 7 in. "Sir, I have been honored with your Excellency's favor of the 24th inclosing the Copy of a Letter From Col. Willet—From which I have learnt with great concern the repeated depredations that have been committed on your Western frontier, and should be extremely happy (were it in my power consistent with the general state of affairs) to afford a sufficient Detachment from this Army to cover the whole country; but I dare say you must be sensible this is not the case. How far it may therefore be expedient to call forth an additional aid of Militia, I shall submit to your Excellencys judgment, as you are better acquainted with the circumstances of the frontier, the strength of Willets command, and probably the state of the Enemy at Oswego, than I am. In the mean time, I wish to be informed as far as may be in your power, of the force of Willet's Corps now a
