Washington, George (1732-1799) Indenture Signed, Fairfax County, Virginia, 10 February 1787. Folio-format laid paper bifolium inscribed over two pages, a legal agreement in a secretarial hand signed by Washington, witnessed by Washington's nephew George Augustine Washington (1759-1793), son of his youngest brother, Charles (1738-1799); with Edward Williams's mark (an X). In this land transaction Washington agrees to purchase ninety-one acres from Williams, paying him the sum of twenty pounds, dismissing a lawsuit against Williams, and allowing 130 pounds of tobacco to be deducted from the rent of the previous December; further, Washington agrees to allow Williams the use of the houses, garden, and fodder for his stock until the final day of May; clean pages and strong ink, with only old folds, 15 1/2 x 12 1/2 in. Provenance: The Estate of David Spinney.
