Washington, Martha (1731-1802) Autograph Letter Signed, Philadelphia, 18 October 1794. Single laid paper sheet with a stub of the blank bifolium conjugate attached, inscribed over two pages, to Martha's niece Frances (Fanny) Bassett (1767-1796); thin ivory-colored paper, with bold brown ink, old folds, a few holes, good, 7 1/2 x 9 1/4 in. In the letter, the First Lady makes arrangements for a visit to Mount Vernon for the family of Senator Ralph Izard, and expresses her continued support of Fanny's acceptance of a marriage proposal from Tobias Lear. "My Dear Fanny, I had the pleasure to receive your kind favor some time in the last week, and I have put your letter away so secure as not to be able to find it today. I am very glad to hear you are tolerable well yourself and your children better, your happyness my dear Fanny is I assure you, very dear to the President and myself. I have not a doubt but you have considered well what you are about to undertake and I hope that the same providence that has heather to taken care of you will still be your gardien angel to protect and derect you in your undertakings, you have my fervant prayers for your happyness. Mrs. Izard a ladie of my acquaintance since I have been here is setting out on a journey to the seat in Charlestown South Carolina. Mr. Izard has been in Congress ever since the President has --after serving his six years he means to retire and his family goes on this fall, they will come to Alexandria and wish much to vis Read more…
