Silver Presentation Firefighter Speaking Trumpet, possibly Amos Sanborn, Lowell, Massachusetts, c. 1856, mouthpiece with beaded edge decoration, the tapered body and bell decorated with engraved and chased floral and oak leaf and acorn motifs, and eagle head suspension ring mounts, engraved "Presented/BY THE/City of Lowell/TO/MERRIMACK/ENGINE Co No 4/for the 2d best horizontal playing/July 4th 1856," approx. 14.8 troy oz., ht. 16 3/8 in. Note: A July 3, 1856, notice in the Lowell Currier describes the events surrounding the celebration of Independence Day in Lowell and notes that "A Silver Speaking Trumpet, valued at $50" was to be awarded as second prize in the fire company procession that was scheduled to take place on the fourth.
