Little Turkish Conjurer Musical Automaton. Swiss, first half nineteenth century. An exceptional diminutive musical automaton in the form of a small bearded Turkish man standing behind a cloth-covered table on four legs. As the music box plays, he shifts his head from side to side to observe the objects that appear and disappear underneath the cones in his hands, thus recreating the famous Cups and Balls trick. Painted and gilt-pressed spelter body. Tortoise shell base decorated with gilded ormolu. Music box plays two songs. Base 3 _ x 3 ". 5" tall overall. Operated by two external knobs on opposite sides of the base. Together with an antique cloche dome and base for display, and a custom-made plush-lined hardwood carrying case. A photo-illustrated record of the cleaning and restoration of the automaton is included. Good working condition. Sales History: Christie's South Kensington, April 18, 1991, Lot 127.

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