A Prince handwritten love letter. Written in pencil on four pages of lined yellow notebook paper and one photocopied page. The last page of the letter was lost and is sold here with a photocopy of that page. The letter is written to "Marianne" and reads in part, "You are a very beautiful woman. By now, that must sound very cliché to you, but you must understand that you have never heard it from my lips before. ... As of right now I live in Los Angeles. I am going to move soon. Where – I haven't decided. I think I would like to live everwhere before I die." Prince signed off on the letter "Je Taime [sic], Beaucoup, Prince" with a heart in place of the tittle above the "i." Other parts of the letter explain Prince's attraction to the woman and his desire to spend more time with her. Marianne was a young woman Prince met in Minneapolis who says she never did write Prince back. They encountered each other on a few occasions around their shared hometown but, by then, she had a boyfriend. Accompanied by the original transmittal envelope written in Prince's hand with embellished letters. 11 by 8 1/2 inches Categories: Prince

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