A vinyl covered wire bound checkbook for Monroe’s personal account at Irving Trust Company in New York City, annotated “MM Personal” on the cover. The checkbook covers Monroe’s New York expenses from September 25, 1961 through February 23, 1962, with check numbers 1802 through 1951, offering a fascinating look at Monroe’s expenses as she entered the final year of her life. Recipients of payments from her personal account during this period include Taft Garage - RR car storage, Bloomingdale’s, Hammacher Schlemmer, Hattie Stephenson, Arthur P. Jacobs, Lena Pepitone, RCA Services - for 1 year contract, Ralph Roberts, Elizabeth Arden Beverly Hills, Mrs. Jane Zigler - rent-Calif. Apt, Schwab’s Pharmacy, Maximilian Fur Company - fur storage, Anna’s Housewares, I. Magnin + Co., Beverly Hills Call Board - answering serv., A. Fitz + Sons, Berkley Sq. Cleaners, Saks Fifth Avenue Beverly Hills, Ralph Greenson, Harold Tribune Fresh Air Fund, Internal Revenue Service, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Jax - Manhattan, Jurgensen’s Grocery, New York Telephone Company, Malone Studio Service, Erno Laszlo Institute, Beverly Hills Flowers, Abercrombie + Fitch, Bedford Prescription Pharmacy, Hyman Engelberg, M.D., Pioneer Hardware, Screen Actors Guild, Philip R. Reuben, M.D., and Edward J. Simons, M.D. among others. Interestingly, a typed reconciliation of Monroe’s account, stapled to the inside of the checkbook, indicates that she was overdrawn by $991.41 on December 31, 1961. Several Marilyn Monro

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