A Western Union telegram from Nunnally Johnson dated April 16, 1962, a week before production was to begin on Something’s Got To Give . Johnson was one of the screenwriters on that film and sent the telegram care of producer Henry Weinstein, misspelled "Wernstein." The telegram from Johnson reads "In Revised script you are child of nature so you can misbehave as much as you please love - Nunnally." Monroe has quickly written a note in pencil for reply reading "Where is that script - is the child of nature due on the set - Hurry Love & Kisses M.M." "Love and Kisses" is repeated, and additional illegible notations have been crossed out. The lighthearted response foreshadowed what was to come with Monroe frequently not reporting to the set as she was scheduled to appear, leading Fox Studios to fire her from the production. 5 1/2 by 8 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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