20th Century Fox, 1962, mimeographed screenplay by Nunnally Johnson, 149 pages, blue cover dated March 29, 1962 reading "Final Confidential For Planning Purposes Only. " The script contains two paper-clipped inserts, memos from the production addressed "To All Secretaries," the first dated April 23 and the second dated April 27, 1962, each accompanying blue revised pages 91 and 92 for the script. The script, marked final, also dated March 29, 1962, contains notations in Monroe's hand throughout in pencil and green ink on 18 pages. Some of the notations are from Monroe's work with a Swedish dialect coach. In addition to these notations, two typed pages of Monroe's dialogue are bound between pages 107 and 108 of the mimeographed script. These two pages contain Monroe's dialogue from one of the few scenes captured on film, with her extensive pencil notations. Raw footage of Monroe performing with Tippy the cocker spaniel and the children in this scene exists, and Monroe's notations are evident in the footage. The top of the page reads "Real Thought/ Mental Relaxation/ substitute children - B & J if necessary/ feeling - place the pain where it is not in the brow." B & J likely refers to Arthur Miller's children Bobby and Jane. Another notation next to one of Monroe's lines of dialogue reads simply "Mona Lisa," which does in fact mirror the expression she uses when delivering this line. Even the exaggerated "Ahhhhh---" that Monroe does at the beginning of each take Read more…

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