A 149-page screenplay for Something's Got To Give by Nunnally Johnson dated March 29, 1962, in blue paper wrappers, marked final. There are notations in Monroe's hand in pencil on approximately 42 pages in the script, some simple dialogue corrections and other more in-depth sense memory notes for her to remember when doing the scene to evoke the right emotional frame of mind. A simple note on the back of the last page of the script reads "Joke writers/ Mel Brooks/ Herb Gardner/ Need spice/ raisins/ Need some funny lines." In a notation next to the stage direction for her character's anticipation and excitement about calling home after she has been rescued, she writes of Arthur Miller's children, "Bobby M./ and early Janie/ except their [sic] mine." In the scene where she is kissing her husband again and excuses herself to "get fixed up a little," she writes, "[L]et me get into something more comfortable/ leading him on -" and "[I]n other room throwing out piece of clothing" and below she writes "[L]ike F.S. when ingaged [sic]." Over an entire passage of dialogue she makes a stage direction note to herself that reads "Ellen looking speculative champain [sic] glass/ finger going around rim." In another scene she writes, "Have the Mask - face relaxed" and "shaking head when he leaves room sly smile/ fat on the fire/ he's on the grittle [sic]." She continues with the fat sizzling on the griddle metaphor, later writing next to a line that jabs at Nick, " Read more…

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