Two typed and signed letters from artist Jon Whitcomb to Monroe regarding his original painting of Monroe used for the March of 1959, cover of Cosmopolitan magazine, the first dated June 22, 1959, reading in part, " Cosmopolitan has returned the painting of your cover which was on the March issue. I haven't forgotten that I promised it to you; so if you still want it, how do I make delivery?" The second dated October 6, 1959, proposes a plan to drop off the painting at Monroe's building. Together with a typed, unsigned file copy of a response from Monroe dated September 24, 1959, reading in part, "Please forgive the long delay in answering, but I have been up to my derriere in preparations for two movies for the near future; public-relations, home-relations -- please understand./ I would love to have the picture from you and I repeat 'at last to be a Whitcomb girl!" 8 1/2 by 11 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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