Two single-page typed, unsigned file copies of letters dated July 16, 1958, and August 9, 1957, relating a number of amusing stories. The 1958 letter is typed on the back of a piece of stationery from the Hotel Bel-Air. In the first letter, Monroe tells Bobby Miller about Hugo the dog's escapades, taking things from the neighbors, and asks him to help her figure out what his sister Janie would like for her birthday. The 1958 letter tells him, "I haven't seen Jack Lemmon yet because he is still working on another picture. He has a very funny part in this picture. Also, he plays a friend of mine. I started to take ukulele lessons because I'm supposed to know how in the picture. I've got an idea: Maybe we can learn something together--you on the guitar and me on the ukulele--you know, charge people admission to hear us." Monroe also tells him about her brief ownership of a Cocker Spaniel: "About two days ago someone gave me a Cocker Spaniel puppy 10 months old, completely house-broken. So I was going to call your Dad and ask him if it was okay to keep him--then I found out quite by accident that he bites--he didn't bite me but he bit a woman on the throat the day before, so I said 'thanks a lot but no thanks.' His name was 'Walter' and he was a golden-haired spaniel and just beautiful but he seemed just too 'schizo' --short for schizophrenic --you remember you explained what that meant." Largest, 8 1/2 by 11 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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