Two sheets of hotel stationery from the Waldorf Astoria, New York, where Monroe stayed between April and September 1955. The pages contain notes in pencil recounting a dream in which Lee Strasberg acts as surgeon and her analyst, Dr. Hohenberg, administers anesthesia, but they are disappointed when they "cut her open" to find nothing there. She concludes, "Strasberg's dreams & hopes for theater are fallen./ Dr. H's dreams and hopes for a permant phicatrcic [sic] cure/ is given up-Arthur is disappointed-let down +." Another note in the margin mentions a dream about a "horrible repulsive man" in an elevator that she wants to discuss with Dr. Hohenberg. LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments : Poems , Intimate Notes , Letters . Pages 74-77. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print. 10 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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