Two sheets of lined notebook paper with drafts of a birthday message, likely the same message referenced by Norman Rosten in his book Marilyn Among Friends . In the book, Rosten explains that Monroe often gave herself nicknames, and "One day, she signed a note with Noodle, Sam, Max, Clump, Sugar Finny, Pussy, and so on." Both pages contain a nearly verbatim list of names reading "Happy birthday and love (we all love you)/ Noodle/ Sam/ Max/ Clump/ Sugar Finny/ Pussy/ and all the rest of us-" The draft note also reads in part "[F]orgive me for being sentimental/ I'm so glad you were born/ and that I'm living at the/ same time as you." LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments : Poems , Intimate Notes , Letters . Pages 160-163. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print. 8 3/4 by 6 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

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