A single page torn from a lined spiral-bound notebook, stained in red ink. Presumably torn from the same notebook as the similarly stained pages also included in this sale that also date to 1956. The page contains dialogue from Monroe's film, Bus Stop as she portrays Cherie, who asks Elma for help: "Pardon me I'm sorry to wake you/ But I wonder if you could help/ me/ I'm being abducted/ you know-kidnapped-by-him/ I thought maybe as soon as/ we got some place I'd ask the/ driver to stop and let me off/ But we been driving for hours/ and we still don't seem to be/ nowhere at all-not only that/ but I'm freezing to death-I/ ain't got much on under/ my coat." LITERATURE Monroe, Marilyn, and Bernard Comment. Fragments : Poems , Intimate Notes , Letters . Pages 166-167. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010. 1-237. Print. 8 1/2 by 11 inches Categories: Marilyn Monroe

Juliens Auctions