Dated February 2, 1962, this vinyl covered; wire bound checkbook was for Marilyn Monroe’s personal account at Irving Trust Company in New York City, labeled “MM Personal” on the cover. The checkbook covers Monroe’s New York expenses from February 2 through August 31, 1962, check numbers 2102 through 2251, and offers a fascinating look at her expenses during the final year of her life. Recipients of payments from Monroe’s personal account during her final six months include Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, the Mexican Government Tourist Bureau, Flatiron Window Cleaning Company, Hedda Rosten, New York Telephone Company, J. Ricky - for “face treatments,” Lena Pepitone, Hattie Stephenson, Empire State Drycleaners and Hand Launderers, Century Furniture Repairs, Exec-U-Car Service, Globe-Star Travel Service, Pollock-Bailey Pharmacists, Marie Irvine - make-up for special appearance at Madison Square Garden, Sutton Wines & Liquors, Madison Avenue Florist, New York State Income Tax Bureau, Department of Labor, and State Unemployment Insurance Fund, among others. The final check from this checkbook written while Monroe was alive was to Hattie Stephenson, Monroe’s East Coast housekeeper, on August 3, 1962. Checkbook activity resumed on August 10, through August 31, 1962, with payments made to Stephenson and Hedda Rosten. Several Marilyn Monroe signed checks are included, some actually written in Monroe’s own hand, with her signature having been ripped from the check so it could not b

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