Ten Pieces of Pewter Tableware, England, 18th to 19th century, a cylindrical measure, inscribed "O. O" over "M.M," the underside marked "Exchequer Standard Pint/James Oldham Oldham Esq.," ht. 4; two casters; a tall open measure; three ewers: two helmet-shaped, one incised "A" on interior of handle at rim, the other marked "V"; a single ewer with hinged lid, cast fluting on lower half, and D-shaped handle with thumbpiece in the shape of an "A"; a pepper pot with screw-on lid; a sauceboat, inscribed "H.C"; and a porringer, inscribed "J _VARD" on base; ht. to 6 1/2, wd. to 9 3/4 in. Provenance: Proceeds from the sale of the collections will be used by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia, exclusively for the acquisition of art and antiques to be exhibited in its art museums and historic buildings.
