Assembled Baltimore Repousse Sterling Silver Flatware Service, late 19th/20th century, with assorted monograms, consisting mainly of Stieff "Rose" including: twelve each teaspoons, hollow dinner knives, and forks, eleven salad forks, seven solid spreaders, six iced-teaspoons, three ice cream forks, a two-piece hollow roast carving set, two-piece hollow bird carving set, lettuce server, tomato server, cold meat fork, long-handed pickle fork, hollow cake knife, hot cake server, bacon fork, salad serving spoon, preserve spoon, olive fork, and large serving spoon; fifteen pieces of Kirk-Stieff "Rose" pattern hollow-handled items: ten dinner knives, two roast carving knives, a bread knife, bird knife and serving fork; nine pieces of Kirk "Repousse" pattern flatware: seven forks, a serving spoon and lettuce fork; and eight hollow-handled items in various similar patterns by other makers including Jenkins & Jenkins and Schofield; approx. 96.1 troy oz. total weighable silver.
