Needlework Sampler "Sally Ayer," Haverhill, Massachusetts, c. 1791, work in silk on a linen background composed of seven lines of alphabet and numbers, above the text "Haverhill August the 11 Sally Ayer/Born in the Year of our Lord 1780/This wrought in the 11 Year of age" and "Far Sooner could i/Reckon oer the sand/upon the ocan shore/each morn revising/what ive done i find/the account but new begun," edged with strawberry vines and geometric border on the sides and top, the bottom with trees, flowering bushes, birds, animals, a man and a deer, and a man and a woman, ht. 16 5/8, wd. 12 1/2 in. Literature: This sampler is discussed and illustrated in Betty Ring Girlhood Embroidery: American Samplers & Pictorial Needlework 1650-1850, Vol. I (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1993) p. 142, fig. 126.
