A baby blue polo style shirt with brown stripes together with a colorful plaid bathing suit believed to be the items of clothing worn by literary great Truman Capote at the time of his death. The shirt, with visible cut marks, includes tags bearing Capote's name and serial numbers matching the coroner's report. Quoting from a New York Times article from August 27, 1984, "Mrs. Carson said that she and Mr. Capote had made plans to swim in a pool on her property at noon Saturday. Indicating that he was tired after working on his book, Mr. Capote took a nap Saturday morning. When he did not appear at the swimming pool, the investigators said, Mrs. Carson checked his room and found him lifeless and pale." Includes a copy of the official autopsy report. PROVENANCE From the Estate of Joanne Carson Categories: Truman Capote

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