A group of space shuttle items presented to Charlton Heston, including a framed print depicting the space shuttle preparing to land, surrounded by the caption "A Space Ship has Landed on earth... and it Came from the United States of America," a likely reference to the classic Heston film Planet of the Apes (APJAC, 1968). The print is inscribed in ink across the matte, "To Charlton Heston, from the Men and Women of Vandenberg AFB - Jack L. Watkins, Maj Gen, USAF/ Commander/ 1st Strategic Aerospace Division (SAC)/ Vandenberg AFB, California." Together with a framed color photograph of the space shuttle being carried by a 747; the matte is inscribed in ink "Charlton Heston, Best Wishes from Space & Missile Country - Jack L. Watkins..."; and a 1/100-scale model of Air Force One, presented to Heston by Boeing and Elliott Sluhan in appreciation of Heston's work on the documentary Air Force One : Flight II . 27 1/2 by 14 by 23 5/8 inches, largest PROVENANCE From the Estate of Charlton Heston Categories: Charlton Heston

Juliens Auctions