Germain, Karl (Charles Mattmuller). One-page TLS from Karl Germain to F.E. Powell. Dated December 31st, 1923, Germain, by this time retired from the stage and practicing law in Cleveland, writes to his old friend and fellow magician Powell regarding Powells upcoming season on the Chautauqua circuit, ground Germain had trod many years before with great success. If I had only had such competitors as you in bygone days, Im sure that I would still be searching out new nuts for mystery loving folk to crack I mean to say that some of my competitors were so rotten that the very term, magician, became a joke among managers, and I became utterly disgusted and lost all ambition to work on in the art I loved so well. Germain goes on to deride magical societies and magazines and their effect on the profession. On one 4to sheet of Germains stationery. Boldly signed Karl Germain.

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