A group of three letters written to Jean Self Bright: a signed or secretarially signed letter from Margaret Mitchell, typed on Mitchell’s personalized stationery and dated January 11, 1937, regarding casting the female lead in Gone with the Wind (MGM, 1939), accompanied by the original transmittal envelope; a partial typed, signed letter from author Daphne du Maurier written on Menabilly Par Cornwall, dated December 20th, 1966, signed in blue ink and accompanied by a picture clipped from a magazine and the original transmittal envelope; and a signed or secretarially signed letter from Tom Snyder, typed on NBC stationery and dated October 17, 1973. Additionally accompanied by a handwritten introduction written by Bright to introduce author Christopher Morley, signed by Morley, dated 1933, and a black and white photograph of two ships stamped on verso “Kindly Credit Grimes M.G.M.” Largest, 11 by 7 1/4 inches EST. $400-600 Categories:

Juliens Auctions