Six Unframed Old Master Engravings: Lucas van Leyden (Dutch, 1494-1533), The Last Supper ; Attributed to Crispin de Passe the Elder (Dutch, 1564-1637), St. Paul ; After Sir Anthony van Dyck (Flemish, 1599-1641), Portrait of a Man ; Continental School, 16th Century, Coastal Encampment with Soldiers and a Vessel at Anchor ; Wenceslaus Hollar (Bohemian, 1607-1677), Woodland Scene with Foreground Figures ; and Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki (German, 1726-1801), Landscape with Country Road with Carriage, Foreground Figures, and Livestock . Sizes to 5 2/8 x 7 7/8 in. Condition: Toning, images trimmed to or near plate marks, Last Supper faded and worn, Coastal Encampment laid down on paper support.
