Group of Obsolete Currency, a Rawdon, Wright, & Hatch Jewett City Bank two dollar, a Concord Bank two dollar contemporary counterfeit, a Housatonic Bank five dollar, a Burrillville Bank five dollar, a Farmer's Ex. Bank one dollar, an Eagle Bank of New Haven five dollar, a Warwick Bank two dollar, a Vermont State Bank three dollar, ten mounted notes: a Worcester Bank five dollar, a Gloucester Bank three dollar, a Farmer's Ex. Bank five dollar, a Massachusetts two dollar, a Northampton Bank five dollar, a Concord Bank three dollar, a Merchant's Bank of New York five dollar, a Newburyport Bank three dollar, a Boston Bank three dollar, and a Coos Bank three dollar contemporary counterfeit; four glued fractional notes: a Newark twenty-five cent, a Farmers & Drovers Bank ten cent, a Bank of Pawling twenty-five cent, and an Albany fifty cent; sold with five Asian and Columbian notes. Provenance: Sold to benefit the preservation of the collections of the Danvers Historical Society.
