Capetown and the Cape of Good Hope, Five Framed Views. Including two folding colored lithographic plates taken from William J. Burchell's Travels in the Interior of South Africa , London: Longman, et al., 1822; plate one, A View of cape Town, Table Bay, & Tygerberg , and plate eight, A View of Klaarwater looking towards the North-east ; Le Cap de Bonne Esperance , Paris: Chereau, [18th century] hand-colored engraving; Cape of Good Hope: an American trader, Danish trader, Country trader, Arniston East Indiaman. Rattle Snake sloop , drawn on the spot by C. Thomas of the Ceres, engraved by S. Rawle, London, [18th century] hand-colored engraving; and Kowie, looking Seaward , after T.W. Bowler, F. Jones lithographer, London: Day & Son, 1864, hand-colored lithograph, various sizes, each framed.
