Pierce, Franklin (1804-1869) Signed Military Commission, 12 February 1856. Engraved document printed on parchment, fulfilled by hand, signed by Pierce in full, countersigned by James C. Dobbin (1814-1857) as Secretary of the Navy, appointing Stewart Kennedy (d. 8 March 1864) Assistant Surgeon in the Navy, as of 1 October 1855, sealed, docketed, with old folds, some toning, small hole due to worming in top right corner, 17 1/2 x 14 1/2 in. Kennedy was assigned to the Gulf Squadron in 1861, where he served aboard the Preble , and thence to the Hartford , where he was present at the taking of New Orleans under Admiral Farragut. He was later ordered to the Wachusett in January of 1864 and was killed in March of the same year.
