Hildreth Family Record Needlework, Lynn, Massachusetts, second quarter 19th century, "Thirza J Hildreth Lynn 1836 Aged 12 Years" inscribed "Mr. Samuel Hildreth Born Oct 9 1794, Miss Mary Morgan Born Sept 30 1796, Married Dec 16 1819" above the vital records of their seven children in a central panel with sawtooth border, surrounded by a solidly stitched meandering floral vine, (minor imperfections), in a period frame, 22 x 20 1/8 in. Provenance: From a private needlework collection. N.B. With this item is a genealogical record of Thirza J. Hildreth. Provenance: From a private needlework collection. N. B.: With this item is a genealogical record of Thirza J. Hildreth.
