Civil War Naval Battle Flag, America, c. 1863, the hand-sewn wool bunting and cotton flag stitched to a canvas heading which bears inscription "Sumpter April 7 Wagner July 10, 11, 17," folded and mounted under glass, and accompanied by a printed statement concerning the flag, original frames, (imperfections, not examined out of frame), flag size 23 3/4 x 31 1/2 (sight), statement, 11 x 10 1/4 in. (sight). Note: This flag was presented to the Union Lodge No. 31 of New London, Connecticut, on July 18th 1864, by Captain John F. Rodgers on behalf of the family of the late Captain George W. Rodgers, U.S. Navy, who under this flag commanded the Monitor Catskill "through the fight, in the attack on Fort Sumpter in Charleston Harbor April 7th, 1863, and upon Fort Wagner, July 10th, 11th, and 17th, and also on August 17th, 1863," where Captain Rodgers laid down his life in the defense of his country. Accompanying the lot is information regarding the history of the flag as well as photographic copies of the relevant pages of the record of the Lodge at the time the flag was donated.
