Nine Royal Worcester Porcelain Items, England, late 19th century, six with ivory stained ground, five with enamel floral designs, a globular vase, ht. 3 in.; a handled violet vase, shape 1137, ht. 3 3/4 in.; a leaf-shaped bowl, lg. 5 in.; a leaf-shaped dish, lg. 6 3/8 in.; a shell strawberry bowl, shape 1228, dia. 6 in.; together with a bottle-shaped vase with pierced handles, shape 942, ht. 6 3/4 in.; and three buff-shaded items, an enamel floral decorated basket-form bowl, lg. 4 3/4 in.; an enamel floral decorated handled flower holder, shape 1880, ht. 3 3/4 in.; and a Grainger Royal China Works globular vase with gilt floral design, ht. 2 1/2 in.; printed marks.
